Our new Principal

Paul Travis has been named a Principal of HRG, having previously served as a Senior Preservation Planner. Paul joined the firm as an intern in 2005. After earning his Masters in Urban Planning from UCLA, he became a fulltime employee in 2006. As a Principal, he has assumed managerial and marketing responsibilities in addition to continuing to provide expert preservation planning, environmental review, and general consultation services to both public and private sector clients.


Our work speaks for itself, but accolades help.

HRG won a Governor's Historic Preservation Award for its work on the rehabilitation of the Lopez Adobe in the City of San Fernando. HRG worked with team members Drisko Studio and Spectra Company on this project. HRG received The Driehaus Form-Based Codes Award for our work with Moule + Polyzoides on the City of Santa Ana Transit Zoning Code, part of the Santa Ana Renaissance Specific Plan. This award is presented annually by the Form-Based Codes Institute with generous support from the Richard H. Driehaus Charitable Lead Trust. HRG was also featured in The Architect’s Newspaper in their “Greatest Hits” compilation of the best firms on the West Coast for historic preservation (the only firm mentioned from the Southland).


We work on building a historic future.

Rose Bowl. The busy Rose Bowl Renovation Team paused on weekends during the fall, letting UCLA take the field for the 2012 season. The 99th Rose Bowl Game will be played at “America’s Stadium” on New Year’s Day, 2013. HRG has worked alongside the City of Pasadena’s Rose Bowl Operating Company management for 17 years to formulate alterations and additions that protect the integrity of this National Historic Landmark while assuring the future as a premier venue for collegiate football. Starting with the writing of a Historic Structure Report in the 1990s, we’re nearing the end zone: completion of a $160 million improvement in time for the 2014 Centennial Game. HRG now also works with Boston-based architect, D’AIQ, for local design review, building permits, and construction administration. rosebowlstadium.com

SurveyLA. HRG is excited to continue working for the City of Los Angeles’ Office of Historic Resources on SurveyLA, the first citywide historic resources survey. HRG has had a leading and important role in numerous phases of the project, from the development of the Citywide Historic Context Statement to the most recent field surveys in the San Fernando Valley and several communities in West L.A. The field surveys have given us the opportunity to view the many neighborhoods of Los Angeles in new and interesting ways, and we have made a lot of exciting discoveries throughout the process. SurveyLA also includes a vigorous public outreach component called MyHistoricLA, which HRG has assisted the City in implementing over the past three years. We helped develop a comprehensive Guide to Public Participation, organized community meetings throughout the City, and worked with individuals and organizations to gather information that would help inform the survey. In 2012, with the assistance of a CLG Grant, the City created the MyHistoricLA.org website which allows members of the community to submit information about historic resources that are important to them. We encourage you to visit the site and tell us about your favorite historic places as well! www.surveyla.org

Yamashiro. HRG nominated Yamashiro in Hollywood to the National Register of Historic Places on behalf of the owners. Yamashiro (Japanese for “Castle on the Hill”), also known as the Bernheimer Villa and Oriental Gardens, was the vision of the brothers Adolph and Eugene Bernheimer, German-born cotton barons and avid Asian Art collectors. The Bernheimers purchased seven acres of hillside property in the heart of Hollywood for the construction of an expansive estate and gardens, which were completed in 1914. In the 1920s, the Bernheimers sold Yamashiro, and it became a short-lived social club for members of the entertainment industry called the 400 Club. Following the closure of the 400 Club, Yamashiro became an important tourist attraction in Hollywood, where visitors could tour the gardens and experience the spectacular views of the city below for 25 cents. In 1948, the estate was purchased by the current owners, who rehabilitated the original buildings and gardens for use as a restaurant and hotel. Congratulations to the owners of Yamashiro for protecting this remarkable place and honoring its rich history. yamashirorestaurant.com

Above: Rose Bowl, Pasadena.

Side: Yamashiro, Los Angeles. 


As we grow, so does our expertise.

In 2012 we hired two new staff members and two of our existing staff took on expanded responsibilities. We also celebrated the tenth anniversary of two long-term members of the HRG team.

Christine Lazzaretto was promoted from Senior Architectural Historian to Principal in 2012. After working with Pasadena Heritage for several years, Christine joined the HRG team in 2008. As a Principal, she will be taking on managerial responsibilities in addition to providing expert service to our clients.

Kari Fowler, Senior Preservation Planner, and Bryan Fahrbach, Marketing & Administrative Manager, each celebrated ten years at HRG!

John LoCascio has joined HRG as a full-time Senior Architect after working with HRG part-time since 2011. A mid-career practicing architect with experience in preservation, non-profit leadership, and administration, John recently completed his thesis for his Masters in Historic Preservation from the USC School of Architecture.

Debi Howell-Ardila has joined HRG as an Architectural Historian, having previously worked at Sapphos Environmental in a similar capacity. Debi recently returned to southern California after spending two years in Spain with her family. 

Robby Aranguren is now a full-time Planning Associate after working as an intern at HRG on the SurveyLA project. Robby provides invaluable help on virtually every type of project. Before coming to HRG, Robby interned at the City of Los Angeles Office of Historic Resources and earned a BA in Architecture, Urban Planning and Business from the University of Texas, Arlington.

Above: Annenberg Community Beach House, Santa Monica.

Side: Pasadena City Hall.